Minecraft is one of the most customizable games so far. You can do things from building worlds to installing mods and so on.
Choosing the proper game mode in Minecraft is vital for a good gaming experience.
Read through this article to learn about all the exciting Minecraft game modes.
Types Of Minecraft Game Modes
There are five game modes to play in Minecraft – Survival, Creative, Adventure, Spectator, and Hardcore (Java edition only).
The gameplay here is the Minecraft game modes in detail.
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1) Survival Mode
If you are looking for a quintessential Minecrafting experience, then the survival mode is for you!
You are left with nothing but your crafting know-how when you are dropped into survival mode.
The key to surviving in the dark is resource-gathering, crafting items, and combating hostile mobs. That makes a gaming paradise!
Initially, you can begin with punching down trees by holding the left mouse button.
After you gather some wood blocks, you can make some low-durable wooden tools.
Eventually, you will explore rare materials to craft weapons & armor and get potions to survive in the dangerous ambiance.
In Minecraft, players can perish, so, if you lose a life, you will lose most of your items and need to start from the spawn point again!
The survival Mode has a few varieties of flavors:
- Easy: The players get reduced damage here.
- Normal: The players get the default amount of damage.
- Hard: Here, the chance of damage increases.
- Peaceful: Here, the mobs are neutral and hostile. But in the Minecraft Bedrock edition, you will find some exceptions to this rule.
- Hardcore: You will get this game mode separately on the launcher. Here the players get only one life.
2) Creative Mode
In the creative mode in Minecraft, you do not get any survival mechanics.
You can be invincible in creative mode with the ability to fly and get every block at your fingertips for mining to your heart’s content.
There is no need to satisfy your hunger, maintain health and deal with limited resources in this mode.
To fly, press the spacebar twice in creative mode. To fly higher, you need to press the spacebar again, and to descend, press the Shift key.
Unlike other Minecraft modes, the creative manner doesn’t have a clear-cut goal to pursue.
If you want to keep on building with an infinite supply of blocks and no distractions, then Creative Mode is for you.
3) Adventure Mode
Adventure mode provides limited features to prevent destroying the servers.
In survival mode, you will get many basic survival mechanics remaining in the game.
The unique feature of this mode is you can use maps made by other players but you cannot place or destroy any block.
You can eat food, put on armor, use interactive blocks, and interact with mobs in adventure mode.
But you cannot break the blocks, place any kind of block, use tools like axe, hoe, or pickaxe on any block, or place the eyes of the ender.
You need the proper tool to break blocks and most of the blocks cannot be broken!
Adventure mode is an excellent way of building challenges and narrating stories, as the blocks cannot be easily destroyed to bypass the content.
To turn on the Minecraft adventure mode, press the T key after joining the Minecraft world.
Then type /game mode adventure in the chat box & press Enter.
4) Spectator Mode
Spectator Mode modifies the game mode where you are already in.
This mode allows the players to fly through blocks invisible to the other Minecraft players and simply spectate what the other players are doing without having them notice.
It even allows the character to enter into the bodies of other mobs and then see the world from their perspective.
The players will have no access to health, items, aspects of the environment in the spectator mode.
This mode is great for online tournaments as it allows game hosts to see whats going on without hampering the players.
5) Hardcore Mode
Hardcore mode is available in the Minecraft Java Edition. As the name says, hardcore mode involves lurking challenges, and here you have only one life available!
The players must be mindful of hunger, health, experience, and the mobs.
If the character falls into the lava, stays underwater for too long, or gets hit many times, it’s game over in this mode!
The players can build blocks, curve tools, make food and do all other activities of Minecraft.
How To Change Game Mode In Minecraft?
To change the game mode in Minecraft, follow the steps given below:
- Click on the Pause button if you are into the gameplay.
- Open the game settings.
- Expand the drop-down menu for Personal Game Mode. Select the mode you want to choose.
- If you receive a warning about disabling the achievements of that specific world, click on the Continue button.
- In the Java edition, you can change the game mode using chats.
PC: To open chat in Minecraft on your PC, press the ‘T’ key on the keyboard.
Xbox/ PlayStation / Nintendo Switch: Press the right on the D-Pad to open chat.
Smartphone: To open chat in Minecraft from your mobile tap on the speech bubble icon.
- Next type /gamemode, allow space and enter the mode you want to switch to, like – Survival, Adventure, Creative, or Spectator.
For example, if you want to switch to the Adventure mode type:
/game mode adventure
Switch Game Modes For Minecraft Java Edition
Mojang introduces a new way to switch to the different game modes for the Java edition players.
To use that process, follow the steps given below:
- Press & hold F3. While holding the key, click F4. A new menu will open.
- You can now use your mouse or the F4 key to select a game mode.
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
1. Which game mode is similar to survival but a bit difficult in Minecraft?
Hardcore Mode is the same as the survival mode but is set to the hardest difficulty, which is one life.
2. What is the peaceful mode in Minecraft?
In the peaceful mode in Minecraft, the hostile mobs will not deal with damage and will not spawn.
The exception to this is the ender dragon, the boss mob who will spawn in the Peaceful mode.
3. How do you switch between a game mode in Minecraft fast?
To switch the gamemode in Minecraft fast, pause the game and click on the Open To Lan from the Menu. Enable Cheats, Then type /gamemode creative/spectator/survival/adventure.
Final Words
So, that is all about Minecraft game modes. For any further queries, ask us in the comments section given below.